
As a Church School we offer the opportunity for Collective worship every day. Worship takes place either as a whole school or in classes.

At Dean CE School we take a creative approach to learning, using an overall topic focus for each half term; we teach explicit subject lessons such as English, Maths, Science, Geography and Computing but also look for opportunities to make cross-curricular links and promote independent learning.  We try to make links between subjects (for example use Science or Geography as a context for writing, or link Art with History topics) and adapt our teaching in response to pupils' needs and interests.

English and Maths are taught as subjects but are also embedded in other subjects across the school day.

When delivering our curriculum in mixed year group classes we ensure that each child will cover all aspects of the National Curriculum during their time in the relevant Key Stage. 

If you would like to find out more about the curriculum we are following as a school please feel free to ask a member of teaching staff. 

General Aims of the Curriculum 

To provide a secure and stimulating environment in which each child will have the opportunity to develop his or her potential.


We use the scheme Read, Write Inc to teach phonics, spelling, reading and writing. Read Write Inc is continued for spelling in Key Stage 2.  


Writing is a particular focus and is taught through a structured, teacher modelled approach, based on the 'Write Stuff' scheme.  Read, Write Inc spelling is used from Years 2 to 6 as a basis for the teaching of spelling.  Accelerated Reader is used to track and monitor individual progress and support the development of good comprehension skills in reading. Reading is also developed through guided reading sessions.

General Aims:

  • To develop in each child the ability to read fluently and accurately, with understanding, feeling, pleasure and discrimination.
  • To help the child communicate clearly and to express him/herself with confidence; in speech and writing, in ways appropriate for various occasions and purposes.
  • To enable each child to develop a neat legible style of handwriting and age appropriate standards of spelling, syntax, punctuation and usage.
  • To develop the child's ability to acquire information from various sources and to record information and results in various ways.


We use White Rose Maths as our main scheme for mathematics across the school. 

In Mathematics, we practice fluency, reasoning and problem solving and use the Mastery approach, using White Rose's curriculum resources.

General Aims:

  • To help each child to develop a sound understanding of basic mathematical skills and concepts and to apply these in various situations.
  • To develop in each child an appreciation of mathematics and a realisation of its importance in everyday life.
  • To record information and results in various ways. 


  • To gain a knowledge of, interest in, and care for the environment and to seek to develop an enquiring mind and a scientific approach to problems. 


  • To prepare the child to meet the needs of the 21st century; to stimulate originality, enterprise, practical capability in design and the adaptability needed to cope with a rapidly changing society.


  • To develop practical skills in the use of computing and enable the child to have the ability to apply these skills across the whole curriculum.

Spiritual, Moral and Cultural Education

  • To foster the child's spiritual development.
  • To develop in each child an awareness of the Christian church and other religions.
  • To develop the child's knowledge of moral, cultural and social values.
  • As a school we follow the Diocese of Carlisle RE units of work. All topics will be covered within a two-year period. 

Social Development

  • To help the child to appreciate the importance of friendliness, fairness, punctuality, loyalty, politeness, honesty and the self respect of a neat, clean appearance. 

Aesthetic Awareness and Skills

  • To encourage in the child an appreciation of the Arts and to develop their creative abilities through music, art and craft, stories and drama. 

Physical Education

  • To develop in each child physical skills and mental co-ordination, self-control and confidence and to experience enjoyment and satisfaction at all levels of physical education through a variety of experiences.  


  • To help the child to learn and understand about their own environment and that of others through projects involving historical and geographical studies and to give them the skills to observe and handle artefacts and evidence in order to assess their relevance and authenticity.  

Safety Education

  • To develop an awareness of the hazards of everyday life and to promote award schemes within the school such as Road Safety, Swimming, Personal Survival and Cycling Proficiency. 


  • To establish an environment within which all children, staff, members of the Local Governing Body and parents can work with each other for the successful achievement of these aims. At Dean we aim to encourage a society based upon respect and understanding. Every member of staff within school shares a responsibility for the pastoral care of the pupils. The ideals of caring and sharing help foster a welcoming learning and valued environment. 


  • One of our primary aims is to promote respect and responsibility and to encourage our pupils to be good citizens. Within the classroom this is recognised and constantly reinforced by all staff. 


If you wish to find out any further information about our curriculum, please feel free to speak to your child's class teacher.